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Polycarbonate greenhouse

In almost every summer cottage, owners install greenhouses or hotbeds, the so-called warm vegetable gardens. However, for a greenhouse to really be of high quality, it is necessary that the space is reliably protected from winds, drafts and unfavorable weather. Previously, only such materials as glass and film were used to cover greenhouses and hotbeds. But since progress does not stand still and modern technologies are in no way inferior to analogues “from the past” – experts recommend opting for an improved material – polycarbonate.

Just Polycarbonate has been successfully producing polycarbonate of excellent quality for 10 years and realizes the material at a favorable price.

How to choose polycarbonate for a greenhouse?

Multiwall polycarbonate is distinguished as cellular, as well as solid. Cellular is used to cover greenhouses, since its structure is able to withstand strong gusts of wind and loads. It is very important to choose the right polycarbonate. Before making a purchase, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • Sheet thickness: this determines whether the polycarbonate will withstand a large weight of precipitation. Also, the thickness affects the microclimate inside the building. If heating is not provided in the greenhouse and it is planned to use it exclusively in the warm months, then the ideal option is polycarbonate sheets, the thickness of which is 4-8 mm. The more precipitation and snow fall in the winter in this area, the thicker the polycarbonate sheet should be. If heating is provided in the greenhouse, it is recommended to choose sheets with a thickness of about 15 mm.

  • Colors – Just Polycarbonate produces polycarbonate of various shades, but for greenhouses and hotbeds it is better to choose transparent. Since the coating must allow enough sunlight to pass through to provide adequate lighting for green spaces, floral blotches on polycarbonate sheets are useless. Colored sheets look great on gazebo roofs and are suitable for erecting awnings.

  • Protection against ultraviolet rays – during operation, after 2-3 years, the polycarbonate sheet is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It is for this reason that manufacturers treat the material with a protective layer. Such sheets are distinguished by special markings. If there is none, then polycarbonate is not suitable for building a greenhouse. In addition, experts advise, when choosing a material, to take into account the price of polycarbonate. Quality material cannot be very cheap. You should not save on building materials, otherwise after a while the coating will have to be replaced, as it will become unusable.

Choosing a foundation

Since polycarbonate is a lightweight, yet durable material, some gardeners install it without a foundation. However, professional summer residents advise, nevertheless, to establish a foundation before building a greenhouse. A high-quality construction is able to withstand any even the strongest gusts of wind, as well as mechanical loads, and the cold will not make its way inside.

There are several types of foundations for polycarbonate greenhouses, each with its own advantages. Let’s consider the options in detail.

Foundation type – timber

The standard type of foundation for a summer cottage can be made independently using a timber. For the base, a strip type of foundation will be used.

Advantages of a timber foundation:

  • For construction, the minimum amount of building materials and accessories is used.

  • The exact dimensions of the beams and its smooth edges allow you to build a foundation within a short period of time.

  • The wooden foundation is easy to dismantle if the greenhouse needs to be installed in a different location.

The only drawback of this design is a small service life. Wood is often eaten by insects, and in a humid environment the decay process is activated, so the wood begins to rot. However, this problem can be solved, it is only necessary to treat the material with special protective substances.

Brick foundation

Building a foundation using bricks requires some knowledge and special skills, but it is also one of the simplest types of foundation. Among the basic rules that must be observed: the masonry is buried down to ensure the reliability of the structure.

The easiest way to build a strip brick foundation.

Step-by-step instruction:

The laying is performed in half a brick, deepening 20-30 cm into the ground. The wall should rise 15-20 cm above the ground

  • After the mortar has set, the buried part is covered with bitumen, and roofing material is mounted on top, which provides dense waterproofing.

  • Further, the free space between the foundation and the ground is covered with gravel or construction waste (stone, broken brick), and the soil is filled from above. An important nuance – the soil needs to be compacted.

Foundation with iron piles

The most reliable and modern type of foundation is on iron piles, but building it yourself is unrealistic, since its installation requires the involvement of special equipment. At the same time, the finished base has many advantages:

  • Long service life, durability

  • The most reliable and solid foundation

  • Installation is performed without excavation.



Monolithic sheets is a material with an excellent combination of physical and mechanical properties, which are retained under various temperature conditions and humidity levels.

Polycarbonate sheets are an ideal replacement for traditional glazing materials. They are safe and easy to cut, install and use, almost impossible to break. Due to their low specific weight, polycarbonate sheets can significantly lighten and reduce the cost of the supporting structure in comparison with the structure in which glass is used, contributing to a significant reduction in transportation, handling and installation costs.

UV protection

Solar radiation has a detrimental effect on polymeric materials, causing their destruction and causing surface cracking of materials. These small cracks are further enlarged by water, dust and chemicals.

Polycarbonate monolithic sheets of this have a surface with an applied protective layer against ultraviolet radiation, which provides excellent resistance to weathering.

Arched glazing

All monolithic polycarbonate sheets are cold-formed into curved supporting glazing profiles. Provided that the bending radius of the sheet is greater than the minimum recommended value, the mechanical stress resulting from cold forming will not affect the mechanical properties of the sheet.

The guaranteed service life of the sheets is 15 years.

Young family with small daughter indoors


high impact resistance and optical transparency

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